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CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF Y_2(Fe_(0.95)Al_(0.05))_(14)B

YANG Jilian ZHANG Baisheng JIN Lan DING Yongfan YE Chuntang Institute of Atomic Energy , Beijing , ChinaYANG Yingchang SUN Hong KONG Linshu Peking University , Beijing , China YANG Jilian , Associate Professor , P.O.Box 275 , Sub 80 , Beijing 102413 , China


The site occupancies in permanent magnetic alloy Y_2(Fe_(0.95)Al_(0.05))_(14)B has been studied by means of neutron diffraction.The results from profile refinement show that Al enters the tetragonal structure of Nd_2Fe_(14)B and occupies the 4c and 8j_2 sites of the space group P4_2/mnm preferably.The relation between the site occupancies and the magnetic proper- ties is discussed preliminarily.

关键词: Y_2(Fe_(0.95)Al_(0.05))_(14)B , null , null , null


YANG Jilian ZHANG Baisheng JIN Lan DING Yongfan YE Chuntar Institute of Atomic Energy , Beijing , China YANG Yingchang , KONG Linshu Associate Professor , P.O.Box 275-80 , Beijing 102413 , China


Neutron diffraction measurements on Nd2(Fe0,Si0 ,)14B at room temperature and 77 K were performed. Data analysis using profile refinement was carried out. The results show that at room temperature Si atoms occupy preferentially 4c, 8j, and I6k2 sites, and the magnetic moments of bath Nd and Fe are parallel to C-axis. At 77 K, the site occupations remain unchanged as in room temperature, while the calculated Nd magnetic moment direction has an angular deviation of 37.8 ° from C-axis.

关键词: neutron diffraction , null , null , null

CORRELATION BETWEEN STRESS COMPONENTS AND STRESS CORROSION CRACKS IN BRASS Lecturer,Department of Materials Physics,University of Science and Technology Beijing,Beijing 100083,China

QIAO Lijie LIU Rui XIAO Jimei University of Science and Technology Beijing , Beijing , China


The effects of stress components on nucleation sites and propagation directions of stress cor- rosion cracks in brass were investigated with specimens under mode Ⅱ and mode Ⅲ loadings. The results indicated that under mode Ⅱ loading,stress corrosion cracks nucleated on the site with maximum normal stress component and propagated along the plane perpendieular to the maximum normal stress,under mode Ⅲ loading,the stress corrosion crack was not evident on the 45°plane due to the general corrosion in aqueous solution with high NH_4OH concentra- tion,while stress corroded in aqueous solution with low NH_4OH concentration, numerous cracks with spacings of 10—150μm were found on the 45°plane with maximum normal stress and no stress corrosion cracks was observed on the plane with maximum shear stress.

关键词: stress corrosion cracking , null , null , null

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